Monday, May 12, 2008

Getting Up To Speed

And so, as we enter into the brave new world of "blogging," we wanted to share a few pictures that let you know what we've been up to the last couple months.

We've tried new fashions:

We've hung out with the Lincoln family in Springfield, IL (and Nana and Papa too):

We celebrated Easter and Bennett's birthday (on the same day):

We've lost some teeth and some hair (Preston lost his first tooth, and after growing her hair out for almost 2 years, Kendra finally got her hair cut, so that she could give the hair to an organization similar to "Locks of Love"):

And Preston started T-Ball (he's almost having as much fun playing as we are watching):

Well, that about get's you up to speed.

I hope to post more tid-bits as the come along.

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